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Hamilton Island - Great Barrier Reef

¤ Hamilton Island ¤ First Impressions¤ Manta Ray Bay ¤ Luncheon Bay ¤
¤ Maureen’s Cove ¤ Final Words ¤

Maureen’s Cove

My wife joined me for the third (and unfortunately last) trip, to go snorkelling in the bay. Check-in, briefing and the trip itself were very much like on the previous two days.

Dream beach
Dream beach
The dive itself was just as breathtaking as the other dives, if not more so, since the visibility had risen to between 15m - 20m (45 - 60 feet) and the sea was dead calm. When we got back to the boat after nearly an hour, I asked how much longer the snorkelers had. When I was told that they needn't get back for about another hour I decided to join my wife. I went up to the upper deck to look for her amongst the more than 20 snorkelers who'd spread out in the bay. Max asked me whom I was looking for and how I would recognize the person. I told him that Sarah was wearing a purple stinger suit and had a blue and red snorkel. Without hesitating Max pointed her out to me. I asked if that was a coincidence, but he replied that he knew all the positions of the individual snorkelers and checked them all the time - it was, after all part of his job. For me this proved again how safety-orientated the whole crew was. I joined Sarah and enjoyed another hour in the water. I was quite sad to get back on board, especially since I had discovered a group of wrasses underneath the boat.

Final words ...

... a last view
... a last view

We were a bit unlucky weather-wise (actually, we seemed to attract clouds and rain all the time during our stay in OZ), but then it could have been worse - in Cairns there were no diving trips at all for several days. Our stay at Hamilton Island was really great, nice apartment with a great view (once the downpour subsided), good food and a diving outfit which made my dives more than enjoyable (much of which was due to Darren). Price-wise, the diving trips were a bit on the steep side, but it was well worth it!

More information on H2O Sportz can be found on their website.

Part 4 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

copyright Andreas Nowotny 2002

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