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Hamilton Island - Great Barrier Reef 14.-17.02.02
Luncheon Bay
Got woken by the telephone - a call from the dive shop. I was informed that the weather hadn't improved sufficiently to go on a full day reef tour, so would I like to go on another single tank dive instead? Of course I would (not giving up hope to get to the reef on the next and last day, at least)!
Sarah and I decided to spend the morning at the pool. I worked on my apnoe skills, which got quite a few laughs from the Aussies, especially, when I demonstrated my legendary ‘Jacuzzi-apnoeing’ :-)
Whitsunday Island
Check in and briefing were very much the same as the day before. Since I had been on board the day before (I was the only one) I didn't have to go to all the briefings, only the one about our destination and thus had more time to lounge about and enjoy the ride. The good impressions I had got the day before were confirmed - the same care was taken to ensure that everybody had a safe and enjoyable trip.
This time the bay was more secluded: there were no waves and the current was very slight. Visibility was a lot better, too and Darren once again proved to be an excellent and unobtrusive guide, pointing out the more hidden beauty of the coral world to us. With a dive time of nearly an hour I couldn't complain about too short a dive, either!
Once again ater the dive I observed how carefully everything was checked: even before we went on board we had to tell staff our dive time, maximum depth
One of many!
and remaining air. They also wrote down that we had returned on board. Shortly before the boat left the bay, one of the guides went round with a clip board which we had to sign. When the boat actually left, another guide did a final headcount. These safety measures are not just for show either - one of the reasons for them being that not so long ago (1998) two tourists were left on the reefs near Cairns. Although there is something strange about the circumstances and the whole story, the fact remains that their disappearance was only noticed a couple of days later!
Just before Hamilton Island Max left the cabin and manoeuvred the boat from the upper deck, where he proved to be quite an entertainer who soon had his audience in stitches!
There was only one disappointment on that day: in the evening it was already clear that the weather would still not be good enough to go out to the reef the next day. Ah well, I'll take another half day tour again, then!
