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Cleaning with Sharks
Among sharks
 These tunnels are really great: in some parts the visitors are surrounded by water from above and below, left and right, just as if one was diving among sharks. Unfortunately, however, it is only an "as if" - there is not only water between visitor and shark, but also acrylic glass and air. Wouldn't it be great to really dive in a shark tank? Divers in the greater Cincinnati area have this opportunity at the Newport Aquarium!
A major aquarium like this can't function without a sizable number of volunteers to help with the daily tasks. Newport Aquarium offers two options for possible
volunteers. "Dry Volunteers" ensure that the visitors have a great and informative time at the aquarium. Part of their duties is to answer questions, point out interesting exhibits, share environmental messages and to be the friendly face of Newport Aquarium.
The second group, which is especially interesting for us divers, is that of the "Wet Volunteers". Behind the scenes and in the tanks these specially trained divers take care of everything connected with the big tanks. Jennifer Rehberger, dive coordinator for the volunteer programme, talked to me about the origin and development of this programme and about the tasks involved.
